Love letter to you : Covid_19 Vaccine by Meghna Raghoobar

Meghna Raghoobar
3 min readJan 23, 2021

My dear fellow humans,

I am being called to address to you at this point in my life where ‘being for or against’ a perspective does not even make sense for me anymore, as I believe that our life has been pre-determined by choices we constantly make, for which each one of us need to take the responsibility for. That said, having the freedom to make a choice is what we should be advocating for at this stage, and not necessarily going in a battle that would defy our time and energy.

(Sarcastic Smile) When I heard of the covid_19 virus at its earliest stage in China, I knew right away that this would multiply to such an extent that vaccination would become near to mandatory. That was an evidence for me right from day 1. It is exactly what has happened in the end (the expected!). And trust me, I don’t read crystal ball!

As far am I am concerned, I have established a lifestyle so much in harmony with my being that whatever manufactured in laboratories is automatically rejected by my internal system (which is wonderful!), as my body no more gives time for absorption to what is unhealthy for it’s sane functioning. So, even if I do the vaccine, in few hours my body will flush it away. That is my truth, and that could have been your truth as well! We all have that power within us to get our body flush what is not right for it, because we consciously intake what is right for it every single day ; but it takes a re-education , re-adaptation and a new set of beliefs and lifestyle to get to this.

However, even if you have not been able to do the work I did for over a decade now with my mind, body and soul, I want you to know that you cannot be forced a vaccine, and I want each one of you reading this right now to be aware of this. If to your core belief you do know that it will worsen your health rather than protecting it due to its content , and because you are intelligent enough to know that the validity of the vaccine is questionable (for the simple and most logical reason that the virus is intensifying and going through constant mutation every single day). That said the vaccine being prepared today will not valid in few months time.

Are you ready to insert a new form of vaccine each 6-months in your system because the previous one is no more valid? Is your immunity that fragile internally that you need something external to reinforce it? Are you that weak? Do you doubt your healing power within you?

These are the very few questions I want you to probe into as you start your introspection for your final choice on this vaccine. In the end, it is a matter of choice and your choice will be legitimate to your reality!

Love, Light and Power




Meghna Raghoobar

Founder & CEO of HolistiZen. Meghna Raghoobar is a catalyst — connecting humans with nature and yoga for their well-being and that of the planet.